A lesson from a bird
Roselle Plant

Cassava Tree

Babby gator at Little Pottsburg Creek
I heard many times that gators show up on the Little Pottsburg Creek near my office. When I head it today, I pick up my camera and drove the creek. The gator was there enjoying the sun. It is my first time to see a living gator after almost 21 years in Florida. What a shame.
Covid-19 Vaccine
UF Hospital at Jacksonville was one of hospitals that started the vaccination operations today December 14, 2020. Meanwhile, the number of deaths from COVID-19 in United States crossed 300,000 people.
My restaurant foods
Birthday Cakes
Jacques’ food and drink
On 6/19/2014, Jacques invited family and friends his birthday. Delicious food and diverse drink were served. The plates were colorful and the Congolese food included beef, beignet, pondu, plantain, chicken, and potato. Heineken beer, Lambrusco wine, liquor, and water were served.