Author: Gonza
Lung Force Jacksonville 2018
The American Lung Association, in collaboration with 1st Place Sports, organize the 2018 Walk/Run event on the bank of St. John’s River, downtown Jacksonville, Florida. About 800 people participated in the Lung Force event. The event emphasized participation not speed. Family with children and dogs, teams, and individuals participated. Lung Force Walk/Run had many sponsors including, Mayo Clinic and Bank of America. All ages group were represented. Wheelchair users were represented.
Hammer Head Marathon at Jacksonville Beach
HammerHead Ocean Marathon organized the 13th Annual open water swim at the Jacksonville Beach featuring 1.25 miles, 2.5 miles, and 5 kilometers distances. The event ended at the Lifeguard Station.
Jacksonville Triathlon Olympic & Sprint
Jacksonville Beach
Implosion of JEA twin towers
JEA turned the page on Nuclear Electric power on 6/15/2018. The twin cooling towers were imploded at 8:00 am.
Independence cha cha
The Democratic Republic of Congo celebrated the 58th anniversary of the independence from the Kingdom of Belgium. Congolese community in Jacksonville met at Hanna Park in Jacksonville.
Heartland Rehabilitation Services
Heartland Rehabilitation Services is a network of services including outpatient rehabilitation, memory care clinics, and assisted living facilities. Heartland Rehabilitation services count 12 facilities in Great Jacksonville Area. Outpatient services include physical therapy, speech therapy, occupational therapy, massage therapy, and more. More information can be found on
Happy Father’s Day

On the third Sunday of June, many countries celebrate Father’s Day. Its origine is not sure. In the United States, some say it was suggested by Ms. Sonora Smart Dodd in Washington State in 1910. Others say it was suggested by Ms. Grace Golden Clayton in West Virginia in 1908. Whoever had the idea, today Fathers are honored on the third Sunday of June. The third Sunday was officially designated by President Lyndon Johnson by executive order in 1966.
Coast Plus Medical Center
Coastal Plus Medical Center is located at 1761-8 Beach Boulevard, Jacksonville, Florida 32246. Started in 1989 by Dr. Clint Miller as Chiropractic office, Coastal Plus Medical Center has involved in a multidisciplinary healthcare facility including primary care, neurology, physical therapy, and many more.